slight surface noise soundsystem cat dubs and ufo incantation chants presents:
Greetings, we are space time travelers bringing you three hours of tunes for yr paws tapes by way of golden records from outerspace translated on diamond tip needles.
Until two weeks ago, I really thought cat dub was just a dream.
PODCAST the dream:
cast out your demons / legion of two / riffs / planet mu
mixture / factums / the sistrum / sacred bones records
kundalini tremolos / faust / c'est com… com.. complique / bureau
in the trees / magic duo / escape / woodsist
gross magick / tobacco / fu(dg)ed up friends / anticon
dead pixel / shlohmo / _shlomoshun_deluxe / cargo
san paulo / dj reels / theme for a broken soul / stones throw
dementia / starkey / 12" / lo dubs
back from space / amon tobin / out from out where / ninja tune
double rocker / stereolab / sound dust / duophonic
bayandoyika / song swappers with pete seger / bantu choral folks songs / folkways
fireworks / animal collective / strawberry jam / domino
side a / princess of the pines / no sunlite for the media / dungeon
jaberwocky / peter howell & john ferdinando / alice through the looking glass / acme (re)
song of injured love / gabor szabo / dreams / skye
cornflower suite / suni mcgrath / conrnflower suite / adelphi
malay / jon hassell / dream theory in malaya / editions eg
untitled / chrstian toscano and adam menzies / landscape / self-released
brian has no idea the name of this track but it sounds so rad, doesn't it? / janisary music / janisary music / ecstatic peace
the labyrinth scored for the purrs of 11 different cats / terry fox / airwaves / one ten
medley: don't you worry bout a thing (live at spear for moondog) / yesterdays new quintet / medicine show no. 7: high jazz / madlib invazion
extensions / ahmad jamal / outertimeinnerspace / impulse!
have a little love version / al campbell / 45 / prophet studio b
angola version / the revolutionaries / 45 / well charge
journey into space / vulcans / star trek / trojan
revolutionist / peter chemist / 1999 dub / heartbeat
woman a come version / marcia griffiths / 45 / solomon
social justice / joe gibbs and the professionals / majestic dub / joe gibbs
darlin' / king midas sound / waiting for you… / hyperdub
Playlist temporarily unavailable.
thediscocat September 13th, 2010
Posted In: Music Shows