The Man In the Stained Trousers With Unkempt Hair… presents:

The Man In The Gray Flannel SuitThe Man In the Stained Trousers With Unkempt Hair…

One night only!

… is taking over The Man In the Gray Flannel Suit Show!  WRIR's resident Master of Boozimonies* here, startin' two hours early to play you some mostly sober, but still damn fine, tunes.  It is absolutely acceptable – appropriate, even – for you to start drinkin' early tonight.  Thanks for tuning in!

* – I can't believe I invented that word, much less typed it in public.  I may have a problem.  A neologistic problem.

UPDATE: Good times.  I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, and I hope that you were too.  Miss it?  Want to decide how happy you are based on actual evidence?  You can obtain that evidence here by downloading the podcast from  I feel like I should also point out – since I always do on my OWN show's posts – that The Man In the Gray Flannel Suit Show has a Facebook page.  And you can check it out (and "Like" it if you so wish) by clicking here. That is all. 

Song Artist Album Label Year
Josh Sturgill


Playlist temporarily unavailable.

    April 11th, 2011

Posted In: Music Shows