Salad Days 07-29-11 presents:

Salad DaysSalad Days 07-29-11

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artist / song / label:

minor threat / salad days / dischord

pinpoint / richmond / albion

direct hit! / in orbit / kind of like

adolescents / babylon by bomb / concrete jungle

descendents  i'm the one / epitaph

queers / psycho over you / suburban home

swellers / sleeper / fueled by ramen


luther  /this is like fight club / black numbers

rational animals / guess what? (crunch) / katorga works

haverchucks / i won't try / sr

wild / mudlines / solidarity

hot water music / free radio gainesville / some


how do we jump this high? / the minimum / mandible

campaign / old blues / sr

new creases / french perfume / traffic street

off with their heads / i need you / epitaph

something fierce / teenage ruins / dirtnap


cute lepers / adventure time / 1-2-3-4 go!

dillinger four / doublewhiskeycokenoice / hopeless

mighty fine / to indiana / solidarity

p.s. eliot / bear named otis / freedom school


algernon cadwallader / if it kills me / sr

parasites / ronnie is a psycho / go-kart

rust belt lights / home sweet home / paper + plastick

menzingers / rivalries / red scare

restorations / neighborhood song / tiny engines

masked intruder / i plead the 5th / sr

teenage bottlerocket / forbidden planet / fat wreck chords

stay ahead of the weather / sorority social suicide / no sleep

have nots / the brink / paper + plastick

minor threat / cashing in / dischord


adam west / god's gift to women / people like you

latterman / water manes at the block's end / deep elm

fear of lipstick / correction facility / it's alive

landmines / scattered remains / paper + plastick

grabass charlestons / dale / no idea

hold tight! / tell your crush how you feel / animal style


johnny thunders & the heartbreakers / born to lose / track

magazine / shot by both sides / virgin


human sexual response / blow up / passport



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    July 29th, 2011

Posted In: Music Shows