The Rainbow MinuteThe Rainbow Minute
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
“More Coming Out in 2011" Read By: Robert Friedline
In an interview with Reuters in April, U.S. district Judge Vaughn Walker acknowledged he’s gay. Now retired, he’s the judge who ruled that California’s Proposition 8 was unconstitutional. Walker was appointed to the bench in 1989 by President George H.W. Bush.
Manning the news desk at CNN, on-air commentator Don Lemon came out in May in his memoir, Transparent. In an interview with Joy Behar he said, “I was born gay, just as I was born black.”
Also in April, “New Kids on the Block” singer Jonathan Knight confirmed he’s gay in a post to his fans on the band’s website. In a statement, he said he thought everyone already knew.
More tomorrow.
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