The Rainbow MinuteThe Rainbow Minute
Friday, January 6, 2012
“More Lives Lost in 2011 (Part 5)
(Read by Corey Boone)
On May 5, American playwright, stage director and screenwriter Arthur Laurents died in New York City at the age of 93.
On October 7th, Paula Ettelbrick, a legal expert in the Gay Rights Movement, died in Manhattan. She was a leader in many influential gay rights groups.
Then there was gay pioneer Frank Kameny, who died on October 11, the same day as National Coming Out Day. He coined the phrase, “Gay is Good.”
Aristide Laurent, one of the founders of the LGBT magazine, “The Advocate,” died in Los Angeles on October 26. When authoring magazine articles, he used the pseudonym, “P. Nutz.”
And on November 10th, we lost Barbara Grier. She was an American writer and publisher who wrote and edited for the lesbian magazine, “The Ladder,” and co-founded Naiad Press.
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