Brown Bag Lunch Special presents:

Brown Bag Lunch SpecialBrown Bag Lunch Special

Cathy Patterson


Junior League of Richmond's 67th Annual Book and Author Dinner will today's topic.

Today's Guest:

Rachael Harrell – President Elect of Junior League of Richmond

Lindsay LeGrand – Chair, Junior Book and Author Committee

Jackie Foreman – Asst. Chair, Book & Author Committee

The Brown Bag Lunch Special is a locally produced radio show that focuses on Non-Profit organizations in the Richmond and Surrounding areas. The show is an outlet for local non-profits, whether old or new, to inform WRIR's radio/internet listeners of programs and services they provide for the commmunity.  The Brown Bag Lunch Special has been on the air for the past 5 years and is going into it's 6th year of production.  During the show local non-profits and agencies that work to benefit non-profits, all have an opportunity to discuss new programs, volunteer needs and  upcoming fundraising events as well.  Cathy Patterson's goal with this program is to provide an outlet with a substancial amount of air time that will benefit the community of WRIR listeners with knowledge of organizations and services that they may access.  Many of the organizations provide either, free services or events that are free and open to the community.  If any non-profit has an event that warrants a fee, the funds that are generated from the event, must be raised to benefit the community through programs, grants or scholarships etc. to be aired on the show. Any non-profit seeking to be a part of this show should contact Cathy Patterson at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address). Occasionally " The Brown Bag Lunch Special" will take a break from the usual and provide an unusual show, such as the showed aired that represented a local group that held a stocking stuffer event for a local non-profit.  This is Radio for the Rest of us, and this means you!

Dan S


Playlist temporarily unavailable.

    January 31st, 2012

Posted In: Music Shows