I Have No Idea What I’m Playing… presents:
I am redefining the-seat-of-my-pants, tonight. Nothing planned, both my plan and my backup-plan having failed.
UPDATE: That worked pretty well, actually. Almost all of the music was decent, what wasn't was still interesting, and it was a full two hours of tunes I'd never played before, with one exception (which I hadn't played in at least two or three years, so I don't feel bad about it). It could have been a trainwreck, but thanks to the Lord o' the Drunks and some serendipitous selections, it was awesome. Click here to download it. Also, if you use Facebook (or even if you don't, actually, no registration required) you can check out our page here.
Song | Artist | Album | Label | Year |
2012 |
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February 20th, 2012
Posted In: Music Shows