DJ COCOBUTTONS!!! presents:

Mellow MadnessDJ COCOBUTTONS!!!

Garage Punk, Rockabilly, Rock n Roll, Surf + some Weirdo Instros on 45rpm with DJ COCOBUTTONS on Mellow Madness!!!!

The Mods / I give You An Inch / Peck

The Moving Sidewalks / 99th Floor / Wand

Them / A Girl Like You / King

The Malibu's / Cry / Planet

The Chevelles / Things Have Changed / Skoop

The Hides / Don't Be Difficult / Scotty

Boy Blues / Living Child / Vardan

The Groupies / Primitive / Atco

The Wild Ones / Baby I Love You / Tu-Lang

The Smacks / I've been Follin' Around / Alear

The Chantells / I'm Leaving Here Today / Chantelles

The Vestells / Won't You Tell Me / Bo Jo

The Unrelated Segments / Where You Gonna go / Liberty

The Reddlemen / I'm Gonna Get In That Girls Mind / Custom

The Heathens / The Other Way Around / Vibra

The Yorkshires / And You're Mine / Westchester

The Elite / I'll Come To You / Charay

Marilyn Mattson / You Cheated / Allied

The Conductors / She Said So / Dater

Velvet / Last Days on Earth / Wilson

The Head / Stop It baby / Audition

The Knaves / Leave me Alone / Dunwich

Ivan / Real Wild Child / Coral

Jett Powers / Go, Girl, Go / Design


Terry and the Pirates / What Did He Say / Valli

Downbeats / Midnight Express/ Amp

Eddie Weldon / cooler Weather / Marly Records

Dean Carter / Jailhouse Rock / Milky Way

Earl Craig / Saki pt II / Dominions Records

The Valuneers / King Bee / Mart Records

The Wailers / Shanhied / Golden Crest

Frank Raia / Shadago / Inkredible

King's Lancers / Lancers Charge / Brand-X

Robert Luke Harshman / Stop Talkin' Start Lovin' / Radio

Pretty Boy / Bip Bop Bip / Atlantic

The Caps / The Red Headed Flea / White Star

Gary "Spider" Webb / The Cave (Part II) / Bamboo

The Royal Knights / Sweet Revenge / Fireball

The Reveliers / Hanging Five / G-Clef

The Pagents / Big Daddy ERA

Ray Vernon & the Raymen / Hold It / Mala

The Corvelles / Vic's Mood / The Corvelles

Eddie Evans / The Right Girl / Intern

The TR-4 / Never too Young / Velvet tone

The Mods / You've Got Another Thing Coming / Peck

The Malibu's /  Leave Me Alone / Planet

Blue Music Box / Changing Tymes / M.U.M.A.

Mike Murphy


Playlist temporarily unavailable.

    May 25th, 2014

Posted In: Music Shows