Wide Ear Folk presents:

Wide Ear FolkWide Ear Folk

Caroline Herring States of Grace Lantana
Jerry Jeff Walker May Music Be Your Wings Gypsy Songman:  A Life In Song
Ashley Monroe The Storms Are On The Ocean Orthophonic Joy: The 1927 Bristol Sessions Revisited
Erynn Marshall & Carl Jones Jack Rabbit Jump Sweet Memories… Never Leave
Emmylou Harris Bury Me Beneath The Willow Orthophonic Joy: The 1927 Bristol Sessions Revisited
Andy Cutting, Martin Simpson, Nancy Kerr Dark Swift and Bright Swallow Murmurs
James Yorkston The Very Very Best The Cellardyke Recording and Wassailing Society
Rachel Newton Three Days Changeling
Foy Vance I Was Made Hope
Marika Hackman In Words We Slept at Last
Ryley Walker Griffiths Bucks Blues Primrose Green
Hip Hatchet Misdirected Man Joy and Better Days
Alasdair Roberts Artless One Alasdair Roberts
Gemma Hayes Don't Let Them Cut Your Hair Let It Break
Erynn Marshall & Carl Jones Rocky Point Sweet Memories… Never Leave
Guy Clark Ain't No Trouble To Me Americana Master Series: Best of The Sugar Hill Years
Guy Clark My_Favorite_Picture_of_You My Favorite Picture Of You
The Black Twig Pickers Crossing the James Hobo Handshake
False Lights The Maid of Australia Salvor
Jackie Oates Robbers' Retreat The Spyglass & The Herringbone
Jackie Oates Can't Be Sure The Spyglass & The Herringbone
Foy Vance Fifteen Hope
James Yorkston Red Fox The Cellardyke Recording and Wassailing Society
James Blackshaw Skylark Herald's Dawn Sunshrine
Olivia Chaney La Jardinera The Longest River
Olivia Chaney False Bride The Longest River
Sam Lee & Friends Moss House The Fade in Time
Elephant Micah Demise of the Bible Birds Where in Our Woods
Mutual Benefit Auburn Epitaphs The Cowboy's Prayer
Avi Buffalo Coaxed Avi Buffalo
Elephant Micah By the Canal Where in Our Woods
Villagers Little Bigot Darling Arithmetic
False Lights Polly On the Shore Salvor
Sam Lee & Friends Phoenix Island The Fade in Time
Red Tail Ring 1-OhioTurnpike The Hearts Swift Foot
Eric Walters


Playlist temporarily unavailable.

    June 23rd, 2015

Posted In: Music Shows