Open Source RVA presents:

SPEECHES, TWEETS AND TRUTH! On Friday’s Open Source RVA, host emeritus Chris Dovi returns to talk about the upcoming Richmond TedX Conference with organizers Leah Fremouw and Todd Waldo. The theme for this fifth year of the conference: Change. And Don Harrison has a talk with behavioral scientist and political analyst Caroline Orr — also known as #RVAWonk — about the search for truth in an era of fake news. We’ll get her take on the ongoing Russia investigation, and find out why President Donald Trump just blocked her tweets. And hold on to your smoke detectors! Melissa Vaughn and Jesse Perry from RVA Dirt fill us in on Monday’s “extremely exciting” Richmond City Council meeting, and correspodent Noah Page takes a look back at the March for Truth. A SOURCE FOR SORE EARS! Hear it today at 2PM on WRIR 97.3 FM and


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    Open Source RVA    June 16th, 2017

Posted In: Music Shows