The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit/Nighttime Maneuvers presents:

Hey Listeners,

So I am still coming down from a big Richmond Folk Festival weekend. As I was preparing for this week’s show it occurred to me that it is roughly the 15-year anniversary of my show. I really wanted a time slot, but when I finally got one I had no idea I’d settle in for the long haul. I love WRIR and being on the air and while I might not make it another 15 years, I plan on staying as long as they’ll have me.

To celebrate the occasion I’ve turned to a list for inspiration as I have been known to do over the years. During the last month about 10 people have asked me if I had been listening to Andrew Hickey’s podcast, A History of Rock Music in 500 Songs – 1938-1999. Anyway I hadn’t listened, but now I have begun. Each podcast episode is devoted to one of the songs. To date Hickey has aired 168 episodes. I have a long way to go to catch up, but I am going to have a blast doing so. What an ambitious and fascinating project.

And what fodder for tonight’s show. I hope to squeeze in 30 songs. We’ll start with the tunes featured in the first 11 episodes and then jump all over the place. Enjoy and keep it tuned here.

The Haberdasher

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    The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit/Nighttime Maneuvers    October 16th, 2023

Posted In: Music Shows