Dream Thesis / MIDI Mornings

Hosted by:

Jamie and heaven_tree


  • ... and a whole lot more!
  • Ambient
  • Disco
  • Electronic
  • Experimental
  • Music

Dream Thesis (1st & 3rd Fridays)

Biweekly gentle ambient soundscapes to to ease the physical/mental transition from sleeping hours to waking hours.

MIDI Mornings (2nd & 4th Fridays)

Take a trip through the history of electronica. Each show will focus on specific genres and/or eras of electronic music: 1970s disco to 2020s hyperpop (and everything in between). Come listen to the sometimes puzzling and campy world of electrobeats – and don’t be afraid to dance along!


  • Friday - 6:00 am - 8:00 am