Salad Days - 06-17-10 presents:
Thanks for listening!!!
minor threat/salad days/dischord
psyched to die/five year plan/grave mistake
delay/bad habits, good company/salinas
riot before/what i've missed/paper + plastick
screaming females/buried in the nude/don giovanni
off with their heads/drive/epitaph
menzingers/lilith avi/red scare
menzingers/who's your partner/red scare
rvivr/cold in your bones/rumbletowne
night birds/harbor rats/grave mistake-dirtnap
bear witness/edge-itarian/sr
new christs/animalisation/impedance
circle jerks/wild in the streets/porterhouse
spraynard/different cat, same result/runner up
bow wow wow/sexy eiffel towers/emi
our new nation/bang-a-rang/sr
smoking popes/writing a letter/asian man
failures' union/my book/paper + plastick
none more black/drop the pop/fat wreck chords
beat beat beat/psycho/dirtnap
bridge & tunnel/predecessors/no idea
richard hell & the voidoids/blank generation/sire
good luck/novel figure/sr
minor threat/screaming at a wall/dischord
hives/a get together to tear it apart/burning heart
methadones/bored of television/thick
damned/born to kill/castle
marked men/fix my brain/swami
avail/simple song/jade tree
landmines/excess and indifference/paper + plastick
cloak/dagger/deathbed rebels/jade
strike anywhere/instinct/fat wreck chords
business/smash the discos/taang!
jetty boys/reflectors/rally
accelerators/got kicked in the front of my head/stardumb
rocket from the crypt/bring us bullets/vagrant
scream/came without warning/dischord
d.o.a./don't bank on a bank/sudden death
slant 6/double edged knife/dischord
g.b.h./kids get down/hellcat
gears/don't be afraid to pogo/hepcat
Playlist temporarily unavailable.
June 17th, 2010
Posted In: Music Shows