Dancefloor Jazz Vol. 2 presents:
Dancefloor Jazz Vol. 2
En lieu of our new party series at Balliceaux in Richmond, VA, (to be launched this September) which will focus on Jazz music for dancers, Midnight Soulstice co-host DJ Pari will bring you a second volume of our Dancefloor Jazz series tonight. Rather a label for a movement than an actual musical category, Dancefloor Jazz includes a wide range of music united by one thing – it is jazzy. Hence it's not surprising that you'll get to hear anything from Funk to Fusion, from Salsa to Soul and Bossa Nova on this show, all with a healthy dose of Jazz that makes you want to dance no matter where you are.
Tune in from 11 pm until 1 am Eastern. We'll post the download later. Click "Read more" to get tonight's playlist.
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2010 |
Playlist temporarily unavailable.
July 9th, 2010
Posted In: Music Shows