Onward, Ever Onward, Comrades! presents:
I just finished an awesome (musically, anyway) edition of The Man In the Grey Flannel Suit Show, and I'd like nothing more than to go home and crack open a beer, down a shot of Beam, and listen to Mother's Milk. Unfortunately, I do Mother's Milk, so I'm pressing on through another two hours of awesome radio, serving up intoxicating audio until 3 AM. We are in it for the long haul, ladies and gentlemen… drink one for me, I'm workin' till three!
UPDATE: Well, now! That was might fine time. If you missed it, and you want to have a mighty-fine time too, click here to download the show from Radio4All.net – thanks for listening! If you enjoyed the show, and want to hear more, every Mother's Milk since December of 2009 is available for download here.
Song | Artist | Album | Label | Year |
2010 |
Playlist temporarily unavailable.
October 18th, 2010
Posted In: Music Shows