The Rainbow MinuteThe Rainbow Minute
Friday, January 13, 2012
“On This Day in History"
(Read by Tom Miller)
January 13, 1983 – A mixed race, lesbian couple are removed from their restaurant table.
Zandra Rolon and Deborah Johnson, who were life partners, decided it would be nice to celebrate with a nice dinner out.
They made a reservation at an upscale Los Angeles restaurant for the special “Romantic Booth.” That booth had sheer curtains around it, and a strolling violinist to set the mood.
They were seated at the booth, but were then told they had to move because two people of the same sex could not sit at the “Romantic Booth.” The restaurant owner said he had to protect his customers from “acts of intimacy” between homosexuals.
The couple took the case to court and won, since Los Angeles had an ordinance outlawing such bias.
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