Global A Go-Go: Friday December 20, 5-7 PM presents:

Global A Go-GoGlobal A Go-Go: Friday December 20, 5-7 PM

This week, it's the final episode of a three-part series covering my favorite world music recordings of 2013.  And it's my final show of the year as well: tune in next week and hear Sean Lovelace of WRIR's superb late-night program Cosmic Slop do his thing in the early evening.

On this week's show, the focus is on individual songs — my favorite singles of the year, top tracks from albums that didn't quite make my best-of lists, and great songs hidden on otherwise forgettable long-players.  On a song-by-song basis, I think this week's material is every bit as good as the stuff you heard in the last two weeks — tune in and decide for yourself.


All the podcasts:

Song Artist Album Label Year
Bill Lupoletti


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    December 20th, 2013

Posted In: Music Shows