
Hosted by:

DJ Zik


  • Cajun
  • Dance
  • Electronica
  • Folk
  • Hip Hop
  • Music
  • Pop
  • Rock


  • - : - :

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  • Alice Ortman says:

    I am just now listening to your last show. I am so sad to hear this! I love your show (it is one of my favorites!) and it has furthered my interest and love of the French language. I have always loved French music–my mother introducing me to Edith Piaf as a young child. I have even started learning French in Duolingo, I have been so inspired by your show! Will miss you and your show!

  • Daniel Trice says:

    Alison Snow – Check out the Alliance Française in Richmond. They have conversation meet ups for all levels

  • DJ Zik says:

    Cheryl, bienvenue ! I am so happy to hear you’ve joined our group of listeners. Please do help spread the word about the show. I look forward to perhaps conducting an interview with folks from both Toastmasters and from Heartwood Grove, to be aired on the show.

    All the best during your trip – you can tune in from abroad just by going to! If you have any requests or hear any great music while you’re there, I’d love to hear about it – please call or leave a comment as you are able. Bon voyage ! -DJ Zik

  • I just found you through the relatively new French Toastmasters Club at my church, St. Michael’s. I graduated from a school near Paris in Neuilly s/Seine in 1979. I visit France frequently and we are actually leaving with our two youngest daughters, Sophie (15) & Luci (13) and hubby for my high school reunion this Sunday for a month.

    When we return, I must tell the Heartwood Grove French Immersion School about this Line Up and Program! Thank you for sharing!

  • DJ Zik says:

    Alison, that’s a song by Stromae, another of my favorites! He is a francophone from Belgium and is the one who took the name “Maestro” and reversed the syllables to come up with “Stromae”. Really popular all over Europe, and he’s made a few appearances in the U.S. too.

    Enjoy the show on future Sundays!

    Meilleurs vœux à votre fille (best wishes to your daughter) !

  • Alison Snow says:

    Bonjour and merci for your reply. I will certainly check out the site. I also sent a link to your show to my daughter who is currently in Guatamala (learning permaculture). I’m certain she’ll enjoy the show. I apologize for getting the song title wrong – Elle me Dit… and it’s such a fun music video! One of my favorite songs is Alors Dance (I forget the musician).

  • DJ Zik says:

    Merci, Alison ! I just typed a reply and hope it appears here soon! Just in case it doesn’t, thanks for listening, and check out for a good way to meet folks in RVA who love the language & culture.

    A bientôt !
    DJ Zik

  • DJ Zik says:

    Alison, merci mille fois ! So great to hear from you. I really hope you continue your pursuit of language learning. It really can be a lifelong passion! Check out Duolingo or one of the video chat language programs (iTalki or Talk Abroad) if you’re interested in taking it further.

    Really glad to hear you liked the Mika song; it’s one of my favorites, too. Tune in again soon for more, and check out other shows like Global A Go-Go and Louisiana Dance Hall for more songs with French lyrics.

    And finally, check out the @AllianceFrançaiseRichmond Facebook page (or go to their site for opportunities to meet others who love the French language and culture.

    All the best to you and your daughter ! À bientôt ! – DJ Zik

  • Alison Snow says:

    Just found your show. I LOVE it! My 25 yr old daughter lived in Paris for the year after high school, and not only became mostly fluent, but even before she went, would play all sorts of French songs and showed me French videos. I took French into college for a total of 5 years, and since then have really wanted to learn the language. I moved to Richmond last year and haven’t found any group to practice with but will continue to search. Anyway, you played a song my daughter has loved for many (it seems) years, On Me Dit. I can’t stop singing it! I’ll have to listen to your past shows and become a regular listener! Thanks!!

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