How 2 Human/Rising Up with Sonali

Hosted by:

Devyn Harris


  • Local Voices
  • News & Public Affairs

How to Human hosted by Devyn Harris, every 2nd Wednesday at 11:00 AM

We are in an exquisite moment right now. A sticky, chaotically woven, heavy moment that demands we make a choice. To continue living in service of our own oppression or find by whatever means another way. I believe this is the moment we rise because the human condition demands it. Despite the horrors, the illnesses, the violence, and the grief every day, our human bodies are fighting to keep us alive. No matter how much is against us, our very cells are biologically programmed to heal and thrive in the face of it all. Our bodies are the seat of our liberation – the key to our humanity. – they are what makes us human. This program is an invitation for us to rehumanize from this dehumanizing society. Hosted by Devyn Harris a liberation guide, death doula, integrative embodiment practitioner, bodyworker, community organizer, and clown. The mission is simple – to inspire us to find a way home to our bodies, the earth, and our collective humanity by going on a playful journey through love, breath, death and other fundamentals of the human experience.


Rising Up with Sonali, 1st, 3rd, & 4th Wednesdays at 11:00 AM

YES! Presents: Rising Up With Sonali is weekly antidote to the doom and gloom of mainstream news, lifting up solutions that bring us closer to economic, racial, gender, and environmental justice


  • Wednesday - 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Past Shows

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  • VolunteerCoordinator says:

    Hi! We love Duron and support his work. So glad you tuned in and enjoyed the episode!

  • Maggie Donovan says:

    This week’s episode with Duron Chavis is so informative. Duron has been my teacher and mentor through my participation with Ginter Urban Gardeners program. The work he does is critical for our community. I am thankful to have heard his messages.

  • Kyle Nance says:

    Hey can you check out and talk about our food please. Its very urgent and pressing matter. Im also making an instagram page youarewhatyoueat666 check it out

  • VolunteerCoordinator says:

    Thank you, Jeanne, for listening and supporting us!

  • Jeanne pupke says:

    This week’s podcast is THE BEST analysis. The details about the interaction with VLBC is so revealing. Thanks ladies. Keep asking the tough questions.

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  • Tommy Rock says:

    today’s show was my first, I was impressed! I’m not very political-minded, but as I get older I’m paying more attention to the issues that affect my everyday life, especially local stuff. I couldn’t have answered the questions you asked your volunteers either, but now I could! I find lot’s of shared knowledge at WRIR and it’s pretty much the only station I listen to. couldn’t live without you guys, I’m a listener, my band has played live there 4 times, and most importantly, a supporter/donator! keep up the fine work!

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