Higher Consciousness presents:

For you today, I have a mixture of music that features my top music crushes. last month was Able Heart, and this month it’s Clejan the Trap Violinist. With all the energy around us, why don’t we just tap into it? What if we can and all we need to do is breathe? What if all you needed to do was live and exist on a frequency and accept the creative and beautiful thoughts that come to you? Let’s try to find our creative side and do what makes us happy.

    Higher Consciousness    September 21st, 2023

Posted In: Music, Music Shows

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Higher Consciousness presents:


djs in the studio


I’m Back baby!!! Woo wee, it feels like we are shifting into two separate versions of Earth right now (both are really hot). We all seem to be both, suffering and clearing all the lower energy (vibrations) that no longer serves us. I think I’m starting to see what they mean by Retrograde. With all the new Mandala effects that are popping up, I find myself asking “Which timeline am I even in? Am I still from the first one that split?” If you know, you know. You guys are doing great by choosing to be the light, to be the positivity in the world, hang in there. Surrender to the process and let the universe show you what it has planned for you, unconditional love. Love life, and love each other It’s going to work out eventually. Easier said than done, I know.

    Higher Consciousness    September 7th, 2023

Posted In: Music Shows

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