Another Afro-Pop Sunday 5-7pm EST presents:
African, Latin, & Caribbean Music every Sunday.
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1)Mose Fan Fan (D.R. Congo
"Hello Hello"
from the CD "Hello Hello"
2)Orcestre National de Barbes (France)
"Sidi Yahia-Bnet Paris"
from the CD "Rendez-Vous Barbes (2010)
Le Chant du Monde
3)The Apaga Show Band (Ghana)
"Kwaku Ananse"
from the CD "Ghana Soundz" (2002)
Sound Way
4)The Melodians (Jamaica)
"Come On Little Girl"
from the CD "Treasure Isle : Showtime"
5)Ernesto Djadje (Cote D'Ivoire)
from the CD "African Pearls: Cote D'Ivoire"
6)Carlos Lamatine (Angola)
from the CD "Historias de Casa Velha" (2009)
7)Cumbia Ya!
"Gaita de las Flores"
from the CD "No Me Busques
8)Star Band Number One De Dakar (Senegal)
"Kouye Wout"
from the CD "African Pearls: Senegal, Echo Musical" 2010
Syllart Productions
9)Orchestre Du Bawobab (Senegal)
"Am Saxul"
from the LP "Bawobab 75"
Disques Burr
10)Oswin Chin Behalia (Curacao)
from the CD "Liber" 2010
Otrabanda Records
11)Norma (Surinam)
"Tutu Fii"
from the CD "U De Nen Kaba" 2009
Norma Production
12)K-Tino (Cameroon)
"Au Bout Du Fil"
from the CD "Ekargator"
Ets Nkulnnam
13)Carlos Lamartine (Angola)
from the CD "A Radio Fazuma Humlidemente APresenta (2009)
Difference Music
14)Tabou Combo (Haiti)
"Flip Flap"
from the CD "Zap-Zap" (2010)
PPL Productions
15)Erik (Guadeloupe)
"Chaye Kow"
from the CD "Chaye Kow" (2010)
AWI Music
16)Puto Prata (Angola)
"Zuata Zuata"
from the CD "O Melhor de" (2010)
17)Chalaban (Morocco)
from the CD "Hashish Freee" (2009)
18)Laba Sosseh (Gambia/Senegal)
from the CD "Classic Titles: Laba Sosseh" (2010?)
Cantos Music
19)Ras Ibuna (Jamaica)
"Diverse Doctrine"
from the CD "More Pressure Vol. 1" (2006)
Pressure Sounds
20)Sweet Talks (Ghana)
"Kyekye Pe Aware"
from the CD "The Kusum Beat" 2010
21)Grupo Niche (Colombia)
"Al Pasito"
from the CD "Los Gigantes De La Salsa"
22)DDC Mlimani Park Orchestra (Tanzania)
from the CD "DDC Mlimani Park Orchestra Vol.2"
23)Orchestra Maquis Original (DRCongo/Kenya)
"Wakati Nilikurwa"
from the LP "Karubandika"
Ahadi Records
24)Robson Banda & The New Black Eagles (Zimbabwe)
"Farirai Mwana Auya"
from the CD "Greatest Hits Vol. 1" 1995
Playlist temporarily unavailable.
May 23rd, 2010
Posted In: Music Shows