things are exactly what they seem presents:
orchid-s/t side a
brainworms-biggy shorty,fatty and friends\
hope conspiracy-suicide design
amateur party-public utility complaint
brainworms-winnie cooper/art thou bored
insomnio-the spark/any moment
silver apples-seagreen serenades
bride of nono-pools of mercury
narwhalz of sound-poms f*cking the glitter wall
new order-temptation
social circkle-drunk cop/what's so great
melt banana-dreamer is too weak to face up to
genghish tron-endless teeth
comadre-angeles (elliot smith)
brainworms-for want of (rites of spring
dalek-eyes to form shadows
sakes alive!-the open maw
Playlist temporarily unavailable.
May 27th, 2010
Posted In: Music Shows