Mother’s Milk:  From early industrial to brand-new indie rock, always intoxicated… presents:

Mother’s Milk:  From early industrial to brand-new indie rock, always intoxicated…

How goes it, guys?  We're all over the place tonight, and we'll be featuring episode three of Rum Doings in the second hour, so this show is jam-packed with booze-fueled awesomeness.  Check out the setlist over at the Mother's Milk website, and please feel free to call in, comment, or otherwise make your thoroughly-hammered voices heard.  Thanks for listening!

UPDATE:  Download the podcast.  I really liked this one.

Sine it's going to INSIST on putting that 'Read More' link down there, even if I leave this section blank, I'll go ahead and put some text here.  If you like the show, or drinking, or music, and you're on Facebook, you might consider becoming a fan of the Facebook page.  I'd personally quite appreciate it – it's a nice bit of affirmation.  Click here to check it out.

Josh Sturgill


Playlist temporarily unavailable.

    May 31st, 2010

Posted In: Music Shows