A Party of One: Ode to generation W 1/2 presents:
So it was, I came into social conciousness in late 1989. I had some older friends, who hung out with older friends, who-in retrospect-were way too cool to be hanging out with the wee version of me. As I grew older, I hung with them more and more. They were the hipsters in Richmond of that time, now 20 years ago. My first roommate, Karin, had lived in SanFran in '89 during the quake. Her house was decorated IKEA/Chinatown/Vintage thrift before any of that was cool when I was there, watching Gorgeous George on her Continental Cablevision and using her computer to access this tedious yet intriguing new thing called 'the internet'. She had a Swingin' Elvis clock and a subscription to Archie MacPhee. Her friends, and by extention mine, wrote for Throttle and drank esspresso while talking about Kafka, Tank Girl, and that crazy new sound in Seattle. They were weird, they were beat, they were the core of the little artist community that was VCU pre-Trani. They were my heroes.
This was 1990-92 and they had already been there, done that. They weren't Generation X, no no. Gen Xers were annoying pipsqueaks to them. They were, as one period zine indie-comic strip put it, Generation W 1/2. Lost between two cultural giants, America's middle-children. I only caught the last little bit of their hey-day here in Richmond, but to me, that will always be the Richmond I remember most fondly. And so, a tribute to them.
So put on your eyeliner and your suede shoes, put that Smiths record on the Hi-Fi, and get ready to stroll on down by Twisters, The Jade Elephant, and the Old Village. Destination: Memory Lane.
Click "Listen" to hear the show in STEREO!!!
Call in a request!!! 804-649-9737
Face/Chat: http://www.facebook.com/Partyof1
Click "Read More" to see the playlist!!!!
Check out the Podcast HERE: http://radio4all.net/index.php/contributor/1882
By the way, Sorry folks! I forgot to start recording the podcast until half-way through "Lake of Fire". You'll just have to use your imagination i guess!
Asie Payton – Asie's Jam
Otis Redding – Satisfaction
The Smiths – Ask
David Bowie – Young American
The Meat Puppets – Lake of Fire
Husker Du – Broken Home, Broken Heart
Sonic youth – Dirty Boots
The Residents – Jelly Jack
The Minutemen – Corona
Cracker – Teen Angst (What the world needs now)
The Slickee Boys – When I go to the Beach
GWAR – Sick of You
Faith No More – Zombie Eaters
Violent Femmes – Blister in the Sun
Album Selection of the week: Sam Trinh and The Upper East Side Big Band, "The Abbey Road Project"
-I want you (She's so Heavy)
-Here Comes The Sun
The Melvins – Creepy
Nirvana – Negative Creep
Negativland – Car Bomb
The Breeders – Fortunately Gone
Captain Beefheart & his magic Band – Moonlight on Vermont
The Breeders – Celia Ann
Joy Division – Failures
Alice Cooper – Muscle of Love
Half-Japanese – Firecracker
The Nails – 88 Lines About 44 Women
The Stooges – Little Doll
Black Sabbath – Fairies Wear Boots
Muppets Closing theme – Thanks for listening!
Playlist temporarily unavailable.
June 15th, 2010
Posted In: Music Shows