Lost Music Saloon: August 9, 2010: 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.: Stevie Ray Vaughn Radio Special presents:
Today's Lost Music Saloon will give an hour over to 'Stevie Ray Vaughn and Double Trouble', a radio special that takes a look back at that great blues-rock guitarist out of
Texas. That one-hour program will air at about 5:40 – 6:40 p.m., with other Saloon-approved music before and after!
Cick on 'read more' below for the playlist.
See you in the Saloon!
Lost Music Saloon: PLAYLIST: August 9, 2010: 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.: Stevie Ray Vaughn Radio Special
The Vogues: Five O'Clock World
The Pretenders: Boots of Chinese Plastic
Cory Branan: A Girl Named Go
Eric Ambel w/Steve Earle: Judas Kiss
Robbie Fulks: Wedding of the Bugs
Kasey Chambers & Shane Nicholson: Rattlin' Bones
Cory Branan: Prettiest Waitress in Memphis
Joe Ely: Gallo del Cielo
Dave Clark 5: Catch Us If You Can
Reckless Kelly: Ragged as the Road
Mumford & Sons: The Cave
5:40 – 6:40: Stevie Ray Vaughn and Double Trouble: One-Hour Radio Special (Sony)
Freda & the Firedogs: Your Good Girl's Gonna Go Bad
The Pretenders: Break Up the Concrete
Randy Newman: Political Science
Black 47: Funky Ceili (Bridie's Song)
Bottle Rockets: Kit Kat Clock
Julie Brown: 'Cause I'm a Blonde
The Waifs: The Waitress
Garry Morse, DJ
Lost Music Saloon
WRIR 97.3 FM
Richmond, Virginia
Playlist temporarily unavailable.
August 9th, 2010
Posted In: Music Shows