dog germs 8/11/10 presents:

Dog Germsdog germs 8/11/10

a week from tonight, tuesday august 17th, bella morte, espermachine, and synthetic division will be playing live at fallout here in richmond, va….sooooo…….we shall here some songs from bella morte and synthetic division ( i don't have any music from espermachine, sorry).

also tonight, new music from :wumpscut:, plus music from bermuda triangles, assemblage 23, and a classic track from die warzau!  sounds good right!?!

click "read more" to see tonight's playlist!

thanks for listening and have an awesome, fantastic week!

miss the show? download the podcast!

Song Artist Album Label Year
Tommy Atrien


Playlist temporarily unavailable.

    August 10th, 2010

Posted In: Music Shows