Global A Go-Go: Friday November 5, 5-7 PM presents:

Global A Go-GoGlobal A Go-Go: Friday November 5, 5-7 PM

This is a special Fall '10 Fund Drive message from Dr. Evil.  My good friend Bill (The Diet Coke of Evil) Lupoletti tells me that the drive ends on Sunday at 3 PM, so it's really frickin' important that you make your donation soon by calling (804) 622-9747, or by donating online here:

Bill also told me that WRIR is getting great fundraising results when its volunteers offer to shave something.  Dustin Richardson had his head shaved on Monday night when his $14,000 goal was met, and both Michael Miracle and Mike Rutz offered to shave something (anything?) on Tuesday night.

Now Dr. Evil has a special challenge for you — if WRIR can raise ONE MILLION DOLLARS, I will shave Mr. Bigglesworth.  C'mon, throw me a frickin' bone here!

You probably didn't know that Dr. Evil is a big reggae fan.  Bill knows, and that's why he invited Unity Sound, one of Richmond's finest reggae bands, to play live on Global A Go-Go tonight.  It's going to be a big party, so if you're in Richmond why not make your donation in person at 1621-B W. Broad Street between 5 and 7 PM, have dinner on us (food is from Kuba Kuba because Dr. Evil loves paella almost as much as Hot Pockets), and see a great band play in WRIR's Live Room?

Click "Read More" for today's tracklist; click here for a podcast of today's program:

The complete catalog of Global A Go-Go podcasts is here:

Song Artist Album Label Year
Bill Lupoletti


Playlist temporarily unavailable.

    November 5th, 2010

Posted In: Music Shows