Horsehead Nebula 11/27/13 presents:

The Horsehead NebulaHorsehead Nebula 11/27/13

Oh yes.  I'm excited.  Tonight we've got the doom and gloom coupled with the uplifting noodle-riffia of Mr. Steve Howe.  Of course, there's so much more.  There's always more!  Foreigner, that sixth track down?  I had a discussion with a co-worker about Pallbearer once.  I described them as the sound of a black unicorn sobbing.  He said that they sounded like the soundtrack to The Lord of The Rings, if the hobbits failed.  Picture it.  Gandalf is riding one of those giant eagles, when, all of a sudden, an arrow gets that thing in the neck, and the flying steed and rider's agonizing freefall towards eternal magma is reflected in Frodo's eyes as the camera pulls out to reveal he and Sam surrounded by orcs.  And the two of them get hacked up and ripped open in slow motion whilst Foreigner plays at high volume.  I should've directed these movies, damnit!

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    November 26th, 2013

Posted In: Music Shows