Back n’ Forth, So On n’ So Forth presents:

The Horsehead NebulaBack n’ Forth, So On n’ So Forth

After two weeks of hibernation, The Horsehead Nebula is back in full force to celebrate the cold!  We're gonna alternate that warm inside sweater of the late 60's and early 70's with the cold, naked frostbite of the blackest of metal.  It's killing me right now, because I had the perfect recprd for this set, and I forgot it at home.  That record was The Byrd's live recording of their song, Eight Miles High.  Over sixteen minutes of awesome, psychedelic, jammerific action.  However, I managed to find something worthy of taking that record's place:  Sun Ra's Atlantis.  While not necessarily rock music, it's from the sixtees, and is very psychedelic.  It's gonna make that inside sweater all noodly and ticklish.

It's been a while since I've stared out into the sky, into the abyss.  It's been a while since I've really looked at stars, you know?  I need to do that more often, I guess.  I guess everybody does.

Song Artist Album Label Year
George Alexis


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    January 7th, 2014

Posted In: Music Shows