Higher Consciousness presents:

From 3 to 5 pm on Thursdays, Alicia is dedicated to raising your vibration in this time of mass spiritual awakening. The synchronicities and coincidences that call for attention are given space and joined with music that shares the peace of Gaia and points to the thresholds of our collective experience. A mixture of edgy music, candid interviews, and Alicia’s insights, this is Higher Consciousness.

(Playlist 83)




    Higher Consciousness    February 22nd, 2024

Posted In: Local, Music, Music Shows

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Higher Consciousness presents:

Another Thursday to be alive in this wild wild world. How do we do it every week? I don’t know but you did it and congratulations! It’s also a few days till Halloween, known as Samhain(Sah-win). The celebration of the end of the harvest season, the welcoming of winter, and a few other things about the veil between worlds being thinner than usual. So I put together some fun and silly remixes for the holiday season. Dance if you want to, and enjoy yourself. Find what makes you happy around this season. Take some time to find the little things that make you smile, as long as there’s no harm to others then go for it.


    Higher Consciousness    October 26th, 2023

Posted In: Fund Drive, Music

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