Deutscher Jam presents:
What’s up everyone? Hope you had a beautiful Wochende, you ready to jump on this flight? Heads up it’s going to be long one but instead of traveling for 6 hours, I have condensed the experience into 2 hours. My favorite part of flying is the moment the Captain hits cruise control, and tonight you will experience Deutscher Jam on cruise control. We will be traveling through time and space, running through a little bit of turbulence turbulence just so we can sink into a deep meditative state. This flight is spiritual, so if you have some sage light it…….
Alles Liebe
Janell Deutscher Jam October 18th, 2021
Posted In: Music Shows
Tags: Deutsch, Deutschaland, german, Germany
Deutscher Jam presents:
This is what you’ve been craving, so to start herzlich willkommen zu unseren Deutscher Jam. I don’t know if you noticed, but the reason why this such is always such a vibe is always due to my Gemini Energy. I love the art of storytelling, maybe its my tendency to simply voice the whispers of the room that make every moment a magical experience. I want us to travel through words, that’s why I always say guys….. let’s reimagine ourselves. If you ever want to put a stop on time simply tune into the show. Starting at 23 Uhr we shall be flying to Germany, and if you want to vibe with the rest us you can meet us at the Café sipping on a cappuccino eating a stuck Torte ;). As a Gemini the only thing we truly crave is to be free like the air you breathe. We are the Frische Luft one needs when life starts to get a little stuffy. What makes this space so special to present is that this show is me on a plate. Deutscher JAM was created to present my truest and most authentic self through telling my story along with other’s through the use of music. Deutscher means German and JAM stands for my initials. This is who I am and creating an experience is what I do.
It doesn’t matter if its on air or in person Germany never leaves my side. So if you’re down for an experience come with me. Engage, become interested in the shows the goal is to expand the mind with extensive knowledge through the art of using creative imagination through the use of storytelling. Deutscher JAM has always moved on a Zwilling(twin) rhythm, that’s probably why I can’t pin down an exact route to take you guys on. How did I decide to solve that problem? Doing what a Gemini knows how to do best, saying bump it to any sort of commitment and let the show run as free as the air we breathe.*Deep Inhale & Deep Exhale*
Janell Deutscher Jam August 23rd, 2021
Posted In: Music Shows
Tags: Deutsch, Deutschaland, german, Germany
Deutscher Jam presents:
*School bell rings*
Guten Abend, please take your seats. My name is Frau Moore and in tonight’s lecture we shall continue to brushen up on our Deutsch Kenntnisse(German Skills). Have you head of the term Danglish? It’s a blend of German and English, it’s use can bridge the learning curve needed to fully embrace to language for what it is. Now a constant reminder English is a Germanic language meaning the two are intertwined.
Enjoy tonight’s show and I hope this show can serve as a platform to help teach German in the most unconventional way possible.
Alles Liebe
Frau Moore
Janell Deutscher Jam August 2nd, 2021
Posted In: Music Shows
Tags: Deutsch, Deutschaland, german, Germany
Deutscher Jam presents:
Hallo Leute 😉 Drink something no bitte(please) drink whatever you need to settle in. Whether it’s Kaffee, Tee. Wasser, oder Schnapps trust me we know this show can be a lot. But for those of you who are new to the show zuerst(first)Wilkommen zu unsersen Deutscher Jam 🙂. I am your host Janell and Leute(Guys) per usual we have a flight to catch. . BUT pack lightly and honestly leave your unnecessary baggage behind, because when I tell you the only way to be on the same vibe as us is be operating on a higher frequency. believe me. . No one should feel left out, that’s why I’m here to ensure the room has been created so all us can be on the same vibration as the music. So that being said let me ask, what frequency are you on tonight? Did you stumble onto the wrong foot this Monday? Did your RuheTag(Sunday) recharge you in all the areas you needed? If yes to the last question then tonight’s show is going to give us life!
But for those of you having a shaky start into the week keine sorgen(don’t you even worry) I got you, and I have something special waiting for you!
Alles Liebe
Janell 😉
Janell Deutscher Jam July 26th, 2021
Posted In: Music Shows
Tags: Deutsch, Deutschaland, german, Germany
Deutscher Jam presents:
Hallo alle zusammen 🙂 Wort des Tages translates to the “Word of the day” which is Heimweh(Homesick). We all get homesick, Deutscher Jam is here to give some of you a taste of home. With the days getting colder and as we approach Weihnachten(Christmas) I know the month can be bittersweet sometimes. Aber keine Sorgen! Don’t worry per usual we have a flight to catch and lets see what the DACH is bringing us today. As the host of Deutscher Jam it’s my job to take you “their” meaning to Germany giving you an insider look into the society. Making sure you get your weekly dose of Deutsch to get you kick started into the Wochende(Weekend).
Janell Deutscher Jam November 27th, 2020
Posted In: Music Shows
Tags: Deutsch, Deutschaland, german, Germany