Photo by Diane Picchiottino on Unsplash
Is it octopuses or octopi? (Hint: it’s not octopods). Timshel Purdum, the Science Museum of Virginia’s Virginia C. Ellet Deputy Director of Education, is back at WRIR studios to tell us about one of her favorite creatures – the octopus (and the class to which it belongs, the cephalopods). Tune in to learn some mind-blowing facts about these fascinating and intelligent beings under the sea.
Further reading/watching:
Many Things Under a Rock by David Scheel
Other Minds by Peter Godfrey-Smith
amiller January 1st, 2024
This aerial view shows the vision for The Green, a 6-acre public park along Broad Street. Source:
Did you know the city of Richmond has a new public park? The Green is a public space where the Science Museum of Virginia has converted parking lots into greenspace. In this episode we are talking to the Museum’s first ever horticulturist, Tyler Holtzman, who tells us about what The Green is, how the project has unfolded, and how this new greenspace will benefit the city. Tune in to learn more about native (indigenous) plants, how the Museum is using ecologically beneficial and sustainable practices in managing The Green, and how you can incorporate some of these ideas and practices into your home garden.
For more information, visit or head on over to The Green – it’s free and open to the public!
amiller October 2nd, 2023
Tags: horticulture, plants, science, smova
Photo source:
Did you love dinosaurs as a kid (and maybe still do)? Do you dig fossils (pun intended)? Our guest on this episode is Timshel Purdum, the Virginia C. Ellett Deputy Director of Education at the Science Museum of Virginia, and she’s teaching us about dinosaurs and paleontology. Move over Littlefoot, these aren’t the dinos of the ’80s and ’90s – the dinosaurs we know of today have feathers and colors, and we are learning more than ever in this new golden age of dinosaur science. And yes, we do talk about Jurassic Park.
For more dinosaur fun facts, visit the Science Museum of Virginia’s website.
More information about digging for fossils with the Elevation Science Institute can be found on their website.
Brain Box is a collaboration between WRIR and the Science Museum of Virginia. Tune in every first Monday at noon only on WRIR-LP 97.3FM Richmond or at
amiller September 4th, 2023
Tuesday Breakfast Blend presents:
All righty folks, my favorite holiday is over and done. Hope you had a wonderfully spooky halloween full of glucose and sucrose! Today it’s time to GET BACK TO BUSINESS on the Tuesday Morning Breakfast blend.
Last week we did Science Fiction in honor of our War of the Worlds Broadcast. This week we’re doing SCIENCE! Because tRUTH is stranger than fICTION! Songs about Neil DeGrasse Tyson, supernova, chemicals, gravity and laboratories.
Pop on those goggles and get ready to test our theories against a control!
-DJ Lylas
DJ Lylas Tuesday Breakfast Blend November 1st, 2016
Posted In: Music Shows
Tags: bill nye, neil degrasse tyson, oingo boingo, science