Higher Consciousness presents:


From 3 to 5 on Thursdays, Alicia is dedicated to raising your vibration in this time of a mass spiritual awakening. The synchronicities and coincidences that call for attention are given space and joined with music that shares the peace of Gaia and points to the thresholds of our collective experience. A mixture of edgy music, candid interviews, and Alicia’s insights, this is Higher Consciousness.


(Playlist 89)

    Higher Consciousness    April 11th, 2024

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Higher Consciousness presents:

Playlist 82


From 3 to 5 on Thursdays, Alicia is dedicated to raising your vibration in this time of a mass spiritual awakening. The synchronicities and coincidences that call for attention are given space and joined with music that shares the peace of Gaia and points to the thresholds of our collective experience. A mixture of edgy music, candid interviews, and Alicia’s insights, this is Higher Consciousness.

    Higher Consciousness    February 15th, 2024

Posted In: Music Shows

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Higher Consciousness presents:



Do you feel it? Your abundance is coming. The law of attraction is what we will be focusing on today! Live your life and  Love the life you live.

    Higher Consciousness    November 9th, 2023

Posted In: Music Shows

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Higher Consciousness presents:



Higher Consciousness is a show where we dedicate some time to doing better together, in the world. Welcome back to your Ascension. It doesn’t matter where you are along your path and journey, know that you’re doing great. The journey is about healing yourself and loving yourself so you can be the light and bring love into the world. You got this!  Today we will start a series called “The Universal Laws.” I’m going to read some of the Universal laws you have heard before in mainstream spiritual talk and hopefully, some that you haven’t heard yet. Let us learn and grow together and find our soul’s tribe.

    Higher Consciousness    October 5th, 2023

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Higher Consciousness presents:

Happy Anniversary to Us! Exactly 1 year ago On Thursday, June 9th, 2022, I did my first Episode of Higher Consciousness. Thank you all for tuning in and for sticking with the flow of the show. It has gone from spirit talk and twerk music to spiritual Work and Twerk. I am so proud of you soul friends and family, for all the wonderful shadow work and growth you have done. Keep it up, you guys are doing great. The Tarot cards I pulled for the collective when I first started told a story of Change that needed to happen for all of us, Now Im pulling cards about new Love, happiness, strength, understanding and so much more. I am so happy to be a part of this soul family and I’ll be here for as long as the universe allows me to be. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!


Today I have a special Guest/Friend named Rebekah popping up to pull a tarot with me, and talk about the spiritual journey and being a Jacklyn of all trades. I’ll elaborate more as things developed.

    Higher Consciousness    June 8th, 2023

Posted In: Music, Music Shows

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Higher Consciousness presents:


wow, What a Beautiful World! So Glad to be in this dimension with you my soul family, It’s all about your perspective. Remember that your thoughts manifest into your life so whatever you’re thinking about you bring it towards you. Think of the things that you want as if you already have them. You’re doing great and don’t ever give up, you’re not alone I believe in you.  I think Today we’re just gonna chill and let the music speak for itself. Might Pull some cards Might not But you know I most likely will.

    Higher Consciousness    June 1st, 2023

Posted In: Music Shows

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Higher Consciousness presents:


Let us look at what we have going on so far. I see this as some of the broad steps to take along this journey.

  1. Ask questions and start to realize things are not what they seem. Something seems off and find out by going down the Rabbit holes.
  2. Learn that there is more out there and that they are actually connected. The Secret!
  3. Realize that we need to change our actions and thoughts to become the best version of ourselves. Power of thought and vibrations.
  4. Understand how to show compassion and how to have patience. Love yourself and be compassionate with others.
  5. realize that you cannot control or change anything but yourself. Surrender to the process, to the universe.
  6. Ego Death! “It is what it is”
  7. Peace within- understanding that you are on your own path and that you will cross other paths when you’re on the right frequency.
  8. Learn and study and gain as much knowledge as you want to.
  9. Ground yourself.

    Higher Consciousness    May 25th, 2023

Posted In: Local, Music Shows

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Higher Consciousness presents:


How are you doing in the multiverse? Are you healing everything from your past present and future at the same time? Good for you! The universe is with you. Let us talk more about positive affirmations and say them out loud as often as you can! Let us start talking about what we are grateful for more often.

    Higher Consciousness    May 18th, 2023

Posted In: Music Shows

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Higher Consciousness presents:


Wow What a crazy time we live in. Well, the multiverse of timelines that we live in haha. I will say that! I have a lot to talk about so Ill update this post later I promise.


The website about Clair-senses:



    Higher Consciousness    May 4th, 2023

Posted In: Music, Music Shows

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Higher Consciousness presents:


It has been a week of no Schumann Resonance and then sudden bursts of energy and solar flares from the sun. the Vibration and Frequency of the Earth are rising and we are existing at a higher frequency right now. Remember to keep your head up, and focus on your self-love, personal growth, and healing through these challenging times.

    Higher Consciousness    April 27th, 2023

Posted In: Music Shows

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