Higher Consciousness presents:

Playlist 78


The shift is finally here and it is happening right now. Congratulations you made it and I’m so excited to be here in this new reality with you. A reality where we do not let the evil things people do go unnoticed and we do not let it slide. Be a better person because the time is now. Choose to ascend and be the best version of yourself because the world needs it now more than ever. Know that you are amazing, know that you are loved, know that you are very powerful. Call Your Power Back.


Spotify Playlist: Higher Consciousness Playlist 78 link

  • https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4vImuG6quqNoqp6wIHFPFy?si=ea7fe3c1488e4e7c

Ascension reading material:

  • https://energeticsynthesis.com/images/HG-144-Calibration-13Jan13.pdf

    Higher Consciousness    January 18th, 2024

Posted In: Local, Music, Music Shows, Uncategorized

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Higher Consciousness presents:


It has been a week of no Schumann Resonance and then sudden bursts of energy and solar flares from the sun. the Vibration and Frequency of the Earth are rising and we are existing at a higher frequency right now. Remember to keep your head up, and focus on your self-love, personal growth, and healing through these challenging times.

    Higher Consciousness    April 27th, 2023

Posted In: Music Shows

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Higher Consciousness presents:

Welcome to the year 2023, where we can start off with a positive mindset with this playlist today. You are designed to raise your frequency to a higher vibration. Today’s show is all about mantras, using your words to communicate manifestations into your life. Imagine how it feels to have exactly what you want and need. Let’s bask in that feeling of accomplishment. Tho it hasn’t happened yet for some of you, remember how it feels to win and carry that energy with you all year long. I believe in your success! Positive affirmations for us today. This full moon on Friday is a good time to release all that no longer serves a positive purpose in your life.

    Higher Consciousness    January 5th, 2023

Posted In: Music Shows

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