A Drone’s Life presents:

DJ Freyja calms your week down with some drone, ambient, and noise. Let’s get chill for the end of the week.

Find her on Twitter, Mastodon, Post, Spoutable, and Tribel as @CarolOlson,  Instagram @carolaolson,

    A Drone’s Life    December 28th, 2023

Posted In: Music, Music Shows

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Metal Box presents:

Tonight at 11pm on WRIR 97.3FM Richmond Independent Radio www.wrir.org “METAL BOX” presents score from1983 sci-fi horror movie”VIDEODRONE” composed by Howard Shore. Also new music from MACH FOX, FOX NOVA PROJECT and FERRARILOVER!!! It’s going to be a night of electrical nightmares and fantasy desires!!! Industrial music, post-punk, darkwave, heavy metal, goth and horror movie scores…

    Metal Box    September 22nd, 2022

Posted In: Music Shows

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Metal Box presents:

“METAL BOX” presents score from 2020 Russian sci-fi/horror thriller movie “SPUTNICK”, composed by Oleg Karpachev. Also I will be doing a live interview with local electronic/dark ambient/dark electro artist Bryan Sage of SEVERED SKIES(Richmond, VA.), who will be performing on the Genesis 2:2 live event this Saturday. Get ready for a killer wicked space of a good time!!! Also and extra added of music by brand new FEAR FACTORY album!!!

    Metal Box    August 19th, 2021

Posted In: Music Shows

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