Metal Box presents:

TONIGHT at 1am Tuesday morning on “METAL BOX” presents special live in person interview with 🥀ACADEMY ORDER🥀from Philadelphia, PA. It’s MONSTER 💀 MONDAY!!!

    Metal Box    March 12th, 2024

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Metal Box presents:

This Thursday night at 11PM EST on WRIR LP 97.3FM Richmond Independent Radio “METAL BOX” presents score from 2020 horror revenge movie “I AM LISA” composed by Natalia Perez. Plus special interview with Virginia beach, VA. local industrial rock/alternative band MODAL CITIZAN!!! It’s going to be a wild night in the woods under the full moon…

    Metal Box    October 21st, 2021

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Metal Box presents:

“METAL BOX” presents score from 2020 Russian sci-fi/horror thriller movie “SPUTNICK”, composed by Oleg Karpachev. Also I will be doing a live interview with local electronic/dark ambient/dark electro artist Bryan Sage of SEVERED SKIES(Richmond, VA.), who will be performing on the Genesis 2:2 live event this Saturday. Get ready for a killer wicked space of a good time!!! Also and extra added of music by brand new FEAR FACTORY album!!!

    Metal Box    August 19th, 2021

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Metal Box presents:

Tonight at 11pm EST on WRIR LP 97.3FM Richmond Independent Radio www. wrir. org “METAL BOX” presents score from Netflix’s German horror/thriller action film “Blood Red Sky” composed by Dascha Dauenhauer… Plus special LIVE interview with classic heavy metal band “DEAD EARTH” hailing from Cleveland, Ohio!!! And new music from death metal/industrial opera/goth artist DISCORD: Industrial Opera from Kansas City, Missouri… The blood with run tonight!!!

    Metal Box    July 29th, 2021

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Metal Box presents:

“METAL BOX” presents score from 1971 sci-fi/post-apocalyptic movie “THE OMEGA MAN” composed by RON GRAINER and special phone interview with Industrial-noise/digital noise/electronic artist HINDU PEZ based out of Norfolk, VA., talking with him about his new E.P. It’s going to be a night of pandemic chaos and electronic crazyness! Heavy metal, goth, industrial, punk and dark music.

    Metal Box    February 4th, 2021

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Metal Box presents:

11pm tonight on WRIR LP 97.3FM Richmond Independent Radio “METAL BOX” presents score from sci-fi movie “ARCHIVE” and also second interview with Industrial rock/alternative/electronic group MODAL CITIZAN (VA)!!! Also showcasing darkwave/electronic group NIGHT CLUB(CA)… Going to be a night of inner demons and and electronic dreams…

    Metal Box    October 15th, 2020

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Metal Box presents:

This Thursday at 11pm standard eastern time on WRIR LP 97.3FM “METAL BOX” presents score from horror/creature movie “CRAWL” …with special phone interview with local RVA hard rock/blues rock/alternative rock artist EMMA GARELL!!! I’m very excited to have her back once again, this time on a phone interview!!! … it’s going to be a KILLER sweet show!!! Plus NEW SINGLE releases by MARRIED A DEAD MAN with cover song Voices Carry by Til’ Tuesday and PROGRAMMABLE ANIMAL with their new single BACKSTABBER!!! GET READY TO ROCK WITH EMMA GARELL AND her AWESOME MUSIC!!!

    Metal Box    August 6th, 2020

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Metal Box presents:

11pm tonight on WRIR LP 97.3FM Richmond Independent Radio “METAL BOX” presents score from 1981 classic Sci-fi/action movie ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK composed by JOHN CARPENTER… Also special phone interview with local industrial rock/ alternative band from Virginia Beach, VA MODAL CITIZAN playing music from their upcoming album Control Alter Deplete!!! Plus showcasing newer albums by Los Angeles, CA industrial metal band 3TEETH and Columbus, OH witch rock/electro pop DAMN THE WITCH SIREN!!! It’s going to be a night of FIRE, GUNS AND HAVOC…with a little WITCH MAGIC…Get ready to join in the WICKED THRILLING THURSDAY night fun!!!

    Metal Box    July 23rd, 2020

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Metal Box presents:

Tonight at 11pm on WRIR LP 97.3FM Richmond Independent Radio “METAL BOX” presents phone interview with the GROOVE METAL band WOR from Raleigh, NC… I will be playing tons of HEAVY METAL, black metal, thrash metal, power metal, death metal, industrial metal, speed metal, punk, industrial, and goth…So…get ready for a wicked killer awesome night of hard hitting .dark and heavy METAL music!!!

    Metal Box    March 19th, 2020

Posted In: Music Shows

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