Metal Box presents:
Tonight on "METAL BOX" I will be playing score from classic horror movie "SALEM'S LOT"composed by HARRY SUKMAN...showcasing new PSYCHOTICA(NY) single "All the broken souls" and other albums. new albums from TEARFUL MOON (TX), TWIN TRIBES(TX), and NIGHT GALLERY(NY)...GET READY FOR THE ULTIMATE TERROR OF KILLER MUSIC!!!
Yancy Lambert Metal Box August 10th, 2018
Posted In: Music Shows
Tags: 1979horrormovie, Classic horror, Dark music, DARK ROCK, Darkwave, Experimentalmusic, Goth rock, GOTHIC LIZARD, Harry sukman, Heavy metal, HORROR, Masters of Horror, METAL BOX, music, MUSICSHOW, New album, new music, Night gallery, post-punk, Psychotica, Radioshow, Salems lot, Scores, SOUNDTRACKS, Stephen King, Tearful moon, Tobe hooper, Twin tribes, WRIR
1621 W Broad St, Richmond, Virginia, VA 23220
Main: 804.622.WRIR (9747)
Studio: 804.649.9737
P.O. Box 4787, Richmond, VA 23220