Sunrise Ocean Bender (1st, 3rd)/ Altered Circuitry: ReWired (2nd,4th) / Various (5th)

Beyond Part One

rev. dr. atavist

Artist Song Album Record Label Year/Comments
Centralstödet Gräva Grav/Två Nyktra Veckor Senare Hjärndimma Sky Lantern 2016
The Myrrors Mountain Mourning/Liberty Is In The Street Entranced Earth Beyond Beyond is Beyond 2016
Harvester Bacon Tomorrow Hemåt Silence 1970
Evening Fires Staring Down the Gullet of the Great Beyond part one Where I've Been Is Places and What I've Seen Is Things Sunrise Ocean Bender Records 2015
Shiggajon Sela Sela El Paraiso 2015
River Cult Temps Perdu River Cult River Cult 2016
It's Not Night: It's Space Pillars of the Void Our Birth Is But A Sleep & A Forgetting Small Stone 2016
Serpentina Satelite Sangre de Grado/Mecanica Celeste Mecanica Celeste Rocket Recordings 2010
Vago Sagrado Alea iacta est Alea iacta est Vago Sagrado 2016
Fungal Abyss Perfumed Garden Karma Suture Fungal Abyss 2016

Playlist archive for rev. dr. atavist: